The variables property is used to adjust the general styles of the component's base theme, like colors, backgrounds, typography.
app.tsximport { ClerkProvider } from '@clerk/nextjs'; <ClerkProvider appearance={{ variables: { colorPrimary: "red", colorText: "white" } }}> {/* ... */} </ClerkProvider>
Name | Type | Description |
colorPrimary | string | The primary color used throughout the components. |
colorDanger | string | The color used for error states. |
colorSuccess | string | The color used for success states. |
colorWarning | string | The color used for warning states. |
colorAlphaShade | string | The color that will be used for all to generate the alpha shades the components use. This option applies to borders, backgrounds for hovered elements, hovered dropdown options. |
colorTextOnPrimaryBackground | string | The color used for text on the primary background. |
colorTextSecondary | string | The color used for secondary text. |
colorBackground | string | The background color for the card container. |
colorInputText | string | The color used for text in input fields. |
colorInputBackground | string | The background color used for input fields. |
fontFamily | string | The font family used throughout the components. By default, it is set to inherit . |
fontFamilyButtons | string | The font family used for buttons. By default, it is set to inherit . |
fontSize | string | The font size used throughout the components. By default, this is set to 1rem . |
fontSmoothing | 'auto' | 'antialiased' | 'never' | The font smoothing used throughout the components. By default, this is set to auto . |
fontWeight | {normal: number, medium: number, bold: number} | The font weight used throughout the components. By default, this is set to {normal: 400, medium: 500, bold: 600} . |
borderRadius | string | The border radius used throughout the components. By default, this is set to 0.375rem . |
spacingUnit | string | The spacing unit used throughout the components. By default, this is set to 1rem. |